Ankur Canada promotes multicultural activities in Canada. This great organization was founded in 2005 by Dr. Maiti and eight other open-minded individuals.
Arts are the signature of civilization. Arts bring people together. People are similar in heart and spirit. They experiencethe same emotions no matter what language they speak, what colour they are or what belief they follow. We are the same. Canada has embraced diversity both in policy and practice. The performers translate feelings of joy and sadness into song, music, dance and drama. What we hear in the concert hall is a translation of another beings heartbeat and breathing pattern.
“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, and a poet must write if he is to be peace with himself."
Canada reflects a cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity that is found nowhere else on the earth. This is what makes Canada a great country.
I have created this spot on the web to record some of the letters written by my parents to us, their children. Their letters / email communications have been a blend of many things derived from their experiences and from their extensive reading and interactions with people around them.
Though the content of the blog is purely personal messages relating to the writers and their wards, I believe they may be of use to others. I also believe that there is no thick boundary line between individual and social thinking. And it may also be not uncommon that social thinking becomes individual thinking and vice-versa.
I greatly appreciate various artists whose work I am making use of in making this blog.