Saturday, June 10, 2023
Vinod Ruppa-Kasani Graduation: A snippet of Vinod's journey
Vinod Graduation: Family and Friends dance to celebrate the joyous milestone
Thursday, June 01, 2023
A Letter From Charan Khehra Ji
I met Somayya Kasani about two years ago and was deeply impressed with his commitment to the values of inclusion, sharing and social justice. He is outspoken and a person of convictions.
Then I met Mrs. Kasani – a wonderful, soft spoken and extremely caring person. Then I met Aparna and Kamalesh Babu and their children Vikram & Vinod, and since then our relations from being acquaintances have developed into friendships.
On meeting Aparna I was amazed how Somayya and Mrs. Kasani have successfully instilled their values in her – the love of learning, humanity and compassion – and blending both East and West in their lives.
During the last 12 years both Aparna and Kamalesh Babu have touched many lives and have a large number of friends. And, they are also committed to using their talents for improving the lives of others through their research in pharmaceutical sciences.
Both of them are scientists in their own right, are published authors of many research papers, and are highly respected individuals. They are certainly very special people.
To such individuals, geographical or national boundaries are meaningless. They are citizens of the world. Alberta and Atlanta are just next door to each other, and I know they would treasure their Edmonton’s sweet memories and stay connected with each one of us in Edmonton.
Lord Buddha said, “ In whom love dwells the world is but one family”. Aparna and Kamalesh Babu, you have made us all proud.Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Our love and blessings are withyou.
Charan Khehra
August 1, 2009 evening.