Saturday, April 21, 2007

ACA Edmonton - A Few Comments from ACA Members

Hello Everybody:

Sri Somaiah Kasani (the new literary secretary) has developed a draft outline of a website for our association. All are invited to look into the draft. The address is aca.

Whatever comments you may have, please feel free to send aca_executive@ so that the new executive will consider the comments before deciding whether to go ahead with the development of a website.

Murthy Pariti
for aca_executive.

Dear Somayya garu:

First, Congratulations on your election as Literary Secretary of ACA. I am not sure when was the last time that ACA was fortunate enough to have an individual in that position who took his/her job, in spite of its being voluntary, so seriously. I am sure interesting and valuable things will happen during your tenure.

Yes, I did receive the earlier message reg the new web site of ACA. I did not reply to it because I am not not one who spends a lot of time either on the web or for that matter at the computer. I use both only when absolutely necessary. I still follow the old fashioned way for the acquisition of knowledge-- reading books. Please excuse my not acknowledging the last email.

I shall be happy to discuss the history of ACA or any other topic with you at a mutually convenient time. Please let me know when you would want to do this.


Dear Somaiah Garu

I think it is a wonderful idea and what I have seen so far is a fabulous effort. Our Associatation certainly needs some life and rejuvenation.

If you can find a way to attract our children (and adults too!) to the true nature of our culture, the meaning of our great epics and what real India is (one has to penetrate the unpleasant layers of surface appearances), the web site certainly the best medium to unite us.

I commend your efforts!
