Thursday, December 31, 2009

Have a Happy New Year

May this New Year, all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into achievements... May each day of the coming year be vibrant. Have a vivacious 2010 ahead.

1. Let us worry less and relax more.
2. Let’s take better care of our body, not to meet someone else's standards of weight or shape, but strictly in order for us to feel our best.
3. Let’s plant a tree for your great-grandchildren. While literally planting a tree is always a good project, I mean this suggestion symbolically. Let’s consider, in everything we do, how our decisions and actions will impact the legacy we leave for future generations. How can we leave our family, the political system, the environment, the whole world, better than we found it?

Have a happy and safe New Year, and enjoy a wonderful 2010.