Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kasani:
Thanks for your excellent e-mail with the blog created by your daughter.
It represents an exposure of the mind & heart of your family members on different phases of their minds/ lives.
I enjoyed going through the contents and am really impressed by it. Hope you will continue in your venture that will give joy not only to you and your family but also to others, as the proverb goes: "Sorrow shared is sorrow halved; Joy shared is joy doubled!."
With best wishes to you and your family!
Urmila & Manas Das.
Thanks for your excellent e-mail with the blog created by your daughter.
It represents an exposure of the mind & heart of your family members on different phases of their minds/ lives.
I enjoyed going through the contents and am really impressed by it. Hope you will continue in your venture that will give joy not only to you and your family but also to others, as the proverb goes: "Sorrow shared is sorrow halved; Joy shared is joy doubled!."
With best wishes to you and your family!
Urmila & Manas Das.

Thank you for sharing your blog. I like the format, content and your family photos -- followed by some powerful quotes.
The only suggestion I could make is to include a specific topic and seek comments from your friends, and prepare brief articles (examples, Action, Boldness, Compassion, Courage, Encouragement, Hope, Kindness, Persistence, Service, Success, etc.).
Best wishes,

u just amaze me more more and more i must say that the blogging is another feather in your cap and inspiration for youngsters like us .
Thanks you for letting us learn us through your experience
With deep regards

Hello Mr Somayya Kasani,
Thank you for sending me the program for tomorrow evening's multicultural show; we are looking forward to it.
Thank you as well for the essay on affection, which is beautifully expressed. It serves as a reminder about how important the giving and receiving of affection is to everyone's personal and social existence, and gives one cause to stop and ponder how very much we often take it--or at least the availability of it--for granted. I hope a great many people will come across this piece of writing, one way or another, and I appreciate your having pointed it out to me. Will you perhaps put it on your blog? I hope so.
Your blog is an absolute treasury of wit and wisdom. I could never even imagine how it might be improved, and I have quite a good imagination; indeed I ought pay much less attention to it than I sometimes do. Besides, in my opinion anyway, blogs are something one can just make up as one goes along, not worrying about whether they meet any particular standards other than one's own. Yours is particularly diverse and community-minded, even though its main focus is family. Your family is very fortunate that one or more of its members is dedicating so much energy and good will to building up a blog.
I have not spent much time reading blogs of any sort, although there is one I'm following very closely right now about the new baby son of dear friends. Through the marvels of modern medical science and technology, it was known ahead of time that he would be born with quite a serious heart defect, so he would need three surgeries, the first one when he was only a few days old. His parents had the foresight to set up a blog with background information about it, including links for the seriously curious. Now, since the little fellow is born and has survived his first operation, the parents post updates about how he and they are doing. It gives them a chance to share their news and thoughts whenever they feel like doing so and/or have the chance, without having to repeat themselves over and over. Blogging is a wonderful development. In future years this young family can look through theirs and marvel at it, reflect on it, or whatever.
I must be off now to get some more homework done. See you tomorrow at the S. M. Library Theatre.
Elaine Kendal.

~Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
~For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.