Dear Somayya Kasani,
I am writing to tell you about a new initiative of Alberta NDP. We are forming a Multicultural Working Group and we would be honoured if you would agree to join the team and assist us with this program.
The Multicultural Working Group will play a key role as an advisory team to the party leadership and our legislative caucus in the development of issues and party policy. This group will play a liaison role with regard to issues and events in your community and you will assist in building our party within your community.
The responsibilities of this group are to meet on a monthly basis to explore methods by which you can achieve these goals. In addition we would ask you to meet initially with our legislative caucus to explore opportunities for cooperation. At that time Brian Mason invites you to be his guest at the legislature and he will arrange for tour of the building and seats in the gallery and he will introduce you to the assembly.
Finally, we invite you and a guest to attend our party convention this fall. We will provide you with two free observer passes that you may offer to members of your community.
Please consider our invitation and let us know if you are willing to serve by calling Brian Stokes or sending him an email to him. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for consideration.
Sandra Houston
Provincial Secretary
Dear Sandra:
Thank you for your letter of April 22, 2009 inviting me to serve on the Multicultural Working Group.
I am very pleased to accept your invitation. I hope this commitment will be genuinely supported in action with proper outreach and funding strategies.
Somayya Kasani