Sunday, May 27, 2007

Health and Happiness go hand in hand.

Dear Children,

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is why primary-care providers spend so much time talking about things like exercising.

On the other hand, prevention is a radical new idea when it comes to our emotional mental health. Road to happiness takes hard work.

Depression and other issues are necessarily the result of poor emotional care. If we are really interested in comprehensive and holistic prevention, it is essential that we pay attention not just to our physical health, but our emotional and mental health as well.

The good news is that medicine is changing...

Every night, write down three good things that happened during the day, and then write why you think they happened. Gratitude is a powerful way to help people move from focusing on the negative to the positive. In some small study, doing this daily for one week helped people feel less depressed up to three months later.

Share good news as often as possible. Encourage others when they tell you good news. Every time we share good news, we reinforce those feelings in ourselves and in others. Our relationships also tend to be stronger and more positive.

Focus on cultivating one of the five following qualities. Love,, Hope, Gratitude, Curiosity or Vitality. Don't go to the best. Go for the satisfactory.

With Love, Amma-Naana