Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Hi Somaiah,

Thanks for the email. Of course I remember you. Speaking with you on the bus really was a great way to help start the day.

As discussed, the community league that serves Magrath is the Terwillegar Community League, and the website is as follows: I used to be the President, but I remain as Community Advocate.

The league may be of interest to you and your family. Perhaps you or your daughter have ideas to share or would like to get involved in some way to help make our community a more vibrant place to live.

I would be happy to show you around MacEwan's City Centre Campus and the Centre for Sport and Wellness. I look forward to setting up a time that works for both of us.

In Health and Happiness. Murray

Murray Chrusch, MSc, BSc.PE, CSEP-CEP
Manager, Wellness Consulting & Disease Prevention
MacEwan Centre for Sport & Wellness
Rm 8-121, 10700-104 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 4S2
Tel: (780) 497-5134, Fax: (780) 497-5290

Dear Murray , Good Morning. How are you?

Do you remember, a couple of days back we were riding the same bus downtown, to our workplace, sitting side by side? You were reading the book, titled “Leadership+ Self-deception”.

And you told me that you are working in Grant MacEwan College, as a manager at Centre for Sport and Wellness. ..

I would like to visit once your college and your centre, sometime in the first week of December, 2007. I haven't seen it yet. I shall give you a call or I shall write an e-mail before I come there.

Please convey my best regards to your wife.

Yours Friendly, Somayya Kasani