Dear Children,
Family is defined as...
F- Fabricate a person
A- Alleviates his pain
M-Mandatory for a lively life
I- Induces values
L- Laudable
Y-Yoke to solve problems of life
Family is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life.
Our upbringing define us , and our family environment became a part of our identity. In this respect it remains of utmost importance to initiate, cultivate, maintain, and prioritize family relationships.
In our life's journey we come across some amazing people. There will be of course your best friends the one you make in your neighborhood and with whom you had learned cycling and then the one you make in senior school with whom you had spent hours chatting over with.
And then you become too cool and have gang of best friends with whom you spend all the time
But the sad truth is that all these people, no matter how wonderful, must part ways with us some day. It may be sooner or later but it is inevitable.
But the one constant all this while, which provided you the background is your family and will always be there for you. Though you may haven't appreciated it before.
We all take family for granted, don't we ? we always place them secondary to our friends. we assume that it is their duty to all that they do for us, only appreciating it when all those for whom we ignore our family left us.
As a child you find comfort in hanging out with your parents.
As a teenager you find identity when you step away from parents
and illustrate your independence.
As a young adult as you are now independent, you learn to appreciate them so much more. You find yourself loving their mannerisms so much more.
You thank them for the things they provided for you as a child,
and you look forward to one day being that same source of strength they were to you in your young age, to them in their old age.
It is a note that resonates deep within the heart strings.
No matter how hard you try, you can never extricate yourself from your family. They are integral to who you are...
With Love, Amma-Naana