Friday, March 21, 2008

Can a Quote Inspire Us?

Dear Children, Good Morning.

Inspirational quotes can change our thinking. Quotes can inspire us, they can remind us of our goals, and they can be a positive influence to our day.

People don't need to keep a book of quotes, we only need to find that one quote that is appropriate for our situation. That one quote that will inspire us or remind us to live life to the fullest.

An example of two quotes that did just that for Catherine Pulsifer, one of the authors of "A Simple Life - Inspirational quotes and more" :

1. For many years she kept the following quote at her desk:

"What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."

That quote reminded her not to spend her day thinking negative thoughts or waste her time or energy in complaining or wishing to be somewhere else. It reminded her to enjoy her day, to be all that she could be as once the day was over she would never have it back. .

2. Whe she was working on a project that requires a lot of time and patience. Some days she felt frustrated with her progress. She felt like she will never finish. So the following quote gave her inspiration while working on her project:

"persistence prevails when all else fails"

So let us find a quote that inspires us, and let us keep it in a place where we can see it, and live each day to the fullest!

Put your favorite quotation in your email signature. Add quotations to greeting cards you send to friends and family. Inspirational or humorous quotations can be great mood lifters. Quotations are a great addition to essays, speeches, brochures or any type of presentation. People who journal can use quotations to help mark a moment or as a starting point when exploring an issue. Quotes can help keep us on track when the going gets rough.

Have a Nice Day,