Close your eyes my little one
Close your eyes and dream
You can be anyone,
Anyone you dream
You can go anywhere,
do anything, meet anyone
Just close your eyes and dream your dreams
Let your imagination take control
Take you on adventures never told
Just close your eyes my little one
Close your eyes and dream with me
You can fly above the mountains
You can swim beneath the sea
Its a great big world before us
Come along and dream with me
You can swing from every tree top
You can conquer every fear
There’s no need to be frightened
You’re not alone here in your dreams
Just open up your mind and let your dreams flow through
Its a great big world around us
Come on along and dream with me
Sweet dreams my little one
Thursday, January 31, 2008
I am delighted to receive your email.
"Happiness is not something we have in our hands; it is something we carry in our heart!"
Dear Kavitha,
I am delighted to receive your email. Of course, I remember you very well. And I also remember the speech that you gave during farewell to our batch. Happy to get back in touch base with you. Thanks for your efforts in reaching me. Finally we are connected and now onwards let us try to stay connected.
How are you doing? Where are you living right now and in what field are you working now?
I am very happy to know about silver jubilee celebrations of our school. I have a definite yearning and longing for our school and the memories. I have a strong desire to visit our school and meet our teachers and I hope I can do that sometime in near future....
Here is my contact number: 1 408 568 8501. However, email is the best source of communication.
Take Care and Wish you the best,
Anupama Akkayya.
Dear Kavitha,
I am delighted to receive your email. Of course, I remember you very well. And I also remember the speech that you gave during farewell to our batch. Happy to get back in touch base with you. Thanks for your efforts in reaching me. Finally we are connected and now onwards let us try to stay connected.
How are you doing? Where are you living right now and in what field are you working now?
I am very happy to know about silver jubilee celebrations of our school. I have a definite yearning and longing for our school and the memories. I have a strong desire to visit our school and meet our teachers and I hope I can do that sometime in near future....
Here is my contact number: 1 408 568 8501. However, email is the best source of communication.
Take Care and Wish you the best,
Anupama Akkayya.
రభీంధ్రనాథ్ ఠాగూర్
ఎక్కడ జ్ఞానం నిర్భయంగా, తల ఎత్తులు తిరగగలదో,
ఎక్కడ విజ్ఞానం స్వేఛ్చావాయువులు పీల్చగలదో,
ఎక్కడ విశ్వం కుటిల యుద్ధరాజనీతికి ముక్కలవదో,
ఎక్కడ మాటలు సత్యాంతరాలంలోంచి ఉబికివస్తాయో,
ఎక్కడ అలుపులేని పోరాటపటిమే ప్రావీణ్యానికి చేతులు చాస్తుందో,
ఎక్కడ ప్రశ్నల ఝరి నిర్జీవపు అలవాట్ల ఇసుకతిన్నెల, నిస్సత్తువ ఎడారిలోకి దారి తప్పదో,
ఎక్కడ జ్ఞానం అనంతమైన ఆలోచనలలోకి నీవల్ల దారి చూపబడుతుందో,
ఆ స్వేచ్చా స్వర్గంలోకి, ఓ తండ్రీ, నా ఈ దేశాన్ని మేల్కొలుపు…
ఎక్కడ విజ్ఞానం స్వేఛ్చావాయువులు పీల్చగలదో,
ఎక్కడ విశ్వం కుటిల యుద్ధరాజనీతికి ముక్కలవదో,
ఎక్కడ మాటలు సత్యాంతరాలంలోంచి ఉబికివస్తాయో,
ఎక్కడ అలుపులేని పోరాటపటిమే ప్రావీణ్యానికి చేతులు చాస్తుందో,
ఎక్కడ ప్రశ్నల ఝరి నిర్జీవపు అలవాట్ల ఇసుకతిన్నెల, నిస్సత్తువ ఎడారిలోకి దారి తప్పదో,
ఎక్కడ జ్ఞానం అనంతమైన ఆలోచనలలోకి నీవల్ల దారి చూపబడుతుందో,
ఆ స్వేచ్చా స్వర్గంలోకి, ఓ తండ్రీ, నా ఈ దేశాన్ని మేల్కొలుపు…
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
బ్లాగ్రాయుట ఓ కళ:
బ్లాగు పేరు ఎన్నుకోవడం నుండి రూపురేకలను ఎన్నుకోవడం వరకు, బ్లాగులో వ్రాసే విషయాల నుండి వ్యాఖ్యలకు ఇచ్చే సమాధానాల వరకూ: బ్లాగ్రాయడం ఓ కళ.
ఆలోచనలను సృజనాత్మకతతో నిజాయితీగా అందంగా ప్రదర్శించే అధ్బుతమైన కళ - బ్లాగ్రాయుట.
చదువరుల ఇంద్రియాలకు అందాన్ని, ఆనందాన్నీ ఆలోచనను ఓ మెట్టు పైన కలిగించే అధ్బుతమైన కళ - బ్లాగ్రాయుట.
నైపుణ్యాన్ని దినదిన ప్రవృద్ధిమానం చేసుకుంటూ రంగంపైన ఆవిష్కరించే అధ్బుతమైన కళ - బ్లాగ్రాయుట.
విలువలతో కూడిన మరోజీవితంవైపు చదువరులను నడిపించే అధ్బుతమైన కళ - బ్లాగ్రాయుట.
ఆలోచనలను సృజనాత్మకతతో నిజాయితీగా అందంగా ప్రదర్శించే అధ్బుతమైన కళ - బ్లాగ్రాయుట.
చదువరుల ఇంద్రియాలకు అందాన్ని, ఆనందాన్నీ ఆలోచనను ఓ మెట్టు పైన కలిగించే అధ్బుతమైన కళ - బ్లాగ్రాయుట.
నైపుణ్యాన్ని దినదిన ప్రవృద్ధిమానం చేసుకుంటూ రంగంపైన ఆవిష్కరించే అధ్బుతమైన కళ - బ్లాగ్రాయుట.
విలువలతో కూడిన మరోజీవితంవైపు చదువరులను నడిపించే అధ్బుతమైన కళ - బ్లాగ్రాయుట.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Describe Your Day - A Creative Writing Session at My School Today - And Here Is How I Described My Day

Just now we had our coffee/ tea, offered by our school. It is a treat given to us for coming to school even in severe weather. Our school tries to change our negative feelings to positive feelings, so we are very thankful to the principal and the staff.
Yesterday and today the weather is bad in our pretty city, Edmonton. And it is going to be harsh for the next couple of days too. The roads are full of snow. Especially the parking places are filled with a lot of snow. And driving the cars and also parking at the destination is a difficulty to manage during the trips.
Today the temperature in the city is - 44. It is also windy. So we are experiencing the bitter cold weather. The visibility is very poor today due to fog. If you just put your foot on the brake, the car skids. So it is becoming very difficult to drive especially at the intersections.
But the positive attitude of Canadians is praise-worthy. They always try accepting and enjoying the situations, which many may consider the most unpleasant ones. They explore many winter games / sports such as skiing and skating. Canadians always try to make the negative stress into positive stress. They are, I am sure are ideal examples of great poistive spirits to many who live in different parts of the globe.
Positive attitude towards life develops positive feelings and strong will to our life. So let us meet the challenge that come our way and gain experience and satisfaction in our life. Let us try to enjoy all the 365 days of the year with positive attitude and without a complaint.
~Somayya Kasani
Yesterday and today the weather is bad in our pretty city, Edmonton. And it is going to be harsh for the next couple of days too. The roads are full of snow. Especially the parking places are filled with a lot of snow. And driving the cars and also parking at the destination is a difficulty to manage during the trips.
Today the temperature in the city is - 44. It is also windy. So we are experiencing the bitter cold weather. The visibility is very poor today due to fog. If you just put your foot on the brake, the car skids. So it is becoming very difficult to drive especially at the intersections.
But the positive attitude of Canadians is praise-worthy. They always try accepting and enjoying the situations, which many may consider the most unpleasant ones. They explore many winter games / sports such as skiing and skating. Canadians always try to make the negative stress into positive stress. They are, I am sure are ideal examples of great poistive spirits to many who live in different parts of the globe.
Positive attitude towards life develops positive feelings and strong will to our life. So let us meet the challenge that come our way and gain experience and satisfaction in our life. Let us try to enjoy all the 365 days of the year with positive attitude and without a complaint.
~Somayya Kasani
Coffee - A Beautiful Narration By My Friend, Jim Duce

Dear Children, Good Morning.
I am forwarding to you, Mr. Jim's narration from his day today experiences. I earned this friend, by my frequent outings.
With Love, Amma-Naana
I am forwarding to you, Mr. Jim's narration from his day today experiences. I earned this friend, by my frequent outings.
With Love, Amma-Naana
It is my habit to stop at Tim Hortons for coffee on the way into work in the mornings. I could make coffee at home but I like the routine of stopping at Tim Hortons.
Sonya was behind the counter. I call Sonya ‘The Twin’ because I do not believe one single human being can be as ditzy as Sonya. The only explanation is that Sonya is one half of a pair of really dopey identical twins. Let me explain.
Sonya has served me at ten minutes after five almost every morning of the work week for the better part of a year. I always buy an extra large coffee, black, no sugar or cream.
Sometimes, in spite of what I order and have ordered every day for the past twelve months, I might get a hot chocolate, sometimes I get a medium coffee, double double, and sometimes, lo and behold, I even get what I asked for. I don’t complain because I like Sonya. She is always cheerful and happy to see me. I usually get a story about her dog or her grandchildren or she tells me something her husband has done.
”That man! You wouldn’t believe what he did. What causes him to act such a silly fool, oh I just don’t know.”
‘Oh, I can guess, Sonya. He’s been married to you for forty years. Poor guys is prob’ly brain dead by now,’ I think to myself but decline to say.
Yesterday I stopped in as usual, ordered my extra large black coffee, got a large coffee with one cream, and tried to pay for it with my debit card. Here in Canada the banks issue what they call a debit card. The merchant runs the plastic card through a scanner just like they would a regular credit card. The customer then plugs in a “PIN” number and his or her bank account is debited the amount specified by the purchase.
Sounds simple enough. Right? Only I couldn’t remember my PIN number, a number I use several times a day. Finally I did recall some working digits but they were for a defunct account I have not used in months. The machine’s digital read out curtly told me I had INSUFFICIENT FUNDS to cover the purchase.
“Ah, never mind,” Sonya said. “You can pay me tomorrow. When we hit sixty it seems we can never remember all the things we used to. I do the same thing all the time. Yesterday when I went home an unlocked my door I left the keys right there in the lock. Can you imagine that?”
“Sixty! Sonya, I have to explain, I ain’t sixt…”
“It‘s all right, dear. Just stop by tomorrow and we’ll straighten everything out then.”
I thanked her and scuttled out the door. When I was in the car I pulled down the visor and looked at myself in the little vanity mirror. Sixty. Do I really look like I’m sixty?
Then I had to laugh. Maybe I look like I’m sixty to Sonya, but then Sonya can’t tell a blueberry fritter from a pecan butter tart. I tilted my head back and peered at my reflection over my bifocals…nah, I don’t look one day over fifty-four.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Babies Touch The World With Love

A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more brightening your world as never before. A baby has a special way of adding joy in every single day.
Babies need social interactions with loving adults who talk with them, listen to their babblings, name objects for them, and give them opportunities to explore their worlds.
Don't forget that compared to a grownup person every baby is a genius. Flowers are words which even a baby can understand.
What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all.
Take care.
With Love, Amma - Nana
I Know I’m Not Alone film screening
Michael Franti, world-renowned musician and human rights worker, travels to Iraq, Palestine and Israel to explore the human cost of war with a group of friends, some video cameras and his guitar. With a compelling soundtrack and guerrilla-style footage captured in active war zones, this documentary offers the audience a sense of intimate travel and the opportunity to hear the voices of everday people living, creating and surviving under the harsh conditions of war and occupation.
Event URL:
Monday January 28, 2008
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
North Campus: CEB 325
Event URL:
Monday January 28, 2008
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
North Campus: CEB 325
Sunday, January 27, 2008
About Edmonton Telugu School
The renaissance of Telugu School of Edmonton has started by some young enthusiastic members of Andhra Cultural Association(ACA) and has been successfully running Telugu Teaching classes for last three years. The present strength of our School is about 30 students.
Telugu School is primarily established to teach the Mother Language skills to keep connected the young generation to Telugu Culture. Children of all ages are introduced to learn through Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing of Telugu language. This school is open not only to the young children but for all ages.
The School celebrates cultural activities throughout the year during Telugu festivals. It gives a golden opportunity for the School Children to keep in touch with our rich tradition and culture alive.
The School is run by several people; the parents of the children coming to the school voluntarily. We believe that with continued support from its participants our Telugu School will stand up to these values and continue building connections to Arts and Culture for all Edmontonians including our Telugu community.
Learn the Language - Connect to the culture
Contact: Praveen Baradi
Telugu School is primarily established to teach the Mother Language skills to keep connected the young generation to Telugu Culture. Children of all ages are introduced to learn through Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing of Telugu language. This school is open not only to the young children but for all ages.
The School celebrates cultural activities throughout the year during Telugu festivals. It gives a golden opportunity for the School Children to keep in touch with our rich tradition and culture alive.
The School is run by several people; the parents of the children coming to the school voluntarily. We believe that with continued support from its participants our Telugu School will stand up to these values and continue building connections to Arts and Culture for all Edmontonians including our Telugu community.
Learn the Language - Connect to the culture
Contact: Praveen Baradi
"ఈ పాటను నేను ఒక నాలుగు సంవత్సరాల క్రితం మొదటి సారి చూసివుంటాను. అప్పడే దీనిని జాగ్రత్తగా ఒక ఫ్లాష్ ఫైల్ గా దాచుకున్నాను. అయితే అది కనపడక మరల వెతుక్కుంటే దొరికిందీ ఆణిముత్యం లాంటి అందమైన యానిమేషన్. పాట మొత్తం వింటూ సబ్ టైటిల్స్ చదవండి. మీకే తెలుస్తుంది."
View this at
View this at
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Good Morning - A Water Color Painting By Delilah
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thought For The Day - Gandhi's Quotes
~ A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.
~ We must be the change, we wish to see in the world.
~ Do not want my house to be walled in on sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible.
~ We must be the change, we wish to see in the world.
~ Do not want my house to be walled in on sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible.
India Day Function in Edmonton
Dear Members,
As you know that India Day function will be on 10th of February 2008 in Jubilee Auditorium from 2 pm-5 pm. We need your help for that. Please tell us if you can volunteer on that day, we will be thankful to you.
Thank You
Dear Ashu, Happy Republic Day!
I shall come to Jubilee Auditorium well in advance i.e at 12:00 pm on February 10, 2008.
With Best Wishes,
Somayya Kasani
As you know that India Day function will be on 10th of February 2008 in Jubilee Auditorium from 2 pm-5 pm. We need your help for that. Please tell us if you can volunteer on that day, we will be thankful to you.
Thank You
Dear Ashu, Happy Republic Day!
I shall come to Jubilee Auditorium well in advance i.e at 12:00 pm on February 10, 2008.
With Best Wishes,
Somayya Kasani
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Pam Barrett - You never curtsy to anybody, You never bow to anybody, and You don't take orders! - From News Paper

EDMONTON - Pam Barrett, a three-term NDP MLA who briefly served as party leader and earned respect on both sides of the Alberta legislature, has lost her long battle with cancer.
Ms. Barrett died late Monday night at age 54, with friends and family around her bed at the Cross Cancer Institute.
Well-known for her progressive views and her ferocity in pursuing them, she earned the respect and affection of even her staunchest opponents.
"We didn't have the same political philosophy, but she was firm in her beliefs," said former premier Ralph Klein. "I always had a lot of time for her." Klein said Ms. Barrett raised issues in the legislature that made him "sit up and think."
The former premier said she was a "straight shooter" who enlivened question period.
Ms. Barrett came honestly by her strong social democratic opinions. Born in Brandon, Man., the sixth of seven children, her military family moved to a duplex in the Griesbach area when she was eight.
In a 1989 interview, she described her mother, Terry, who died in 1997, as a strong lady who told her: "You never curtsy to anybody, you never bow to anybody, and you don't take orders."
Ms. Barrett was political in high school, but after graduating from Archbishop O'Leary took a job as a night telephone operator.
Ms. Barrett was married to former legislative counsel Michael Clegg in the 1990s.
Ms. Barrett died late Monday night at age 54, with friends and family around her bed at the Cross Cancer Institute.
Well-known for her progressive views and her ferocity in pursuing them, she earned the respect and affection of even her staunchest opponents.
"We didn't have the same political philosophy, but she was firm in her beliefs," said former premier Ralph Klein. "I always had a lot of time for her." Klein said Ms. Barrett raised issues in the legislature that made him "sit up and think."
The former premier said she was a "straight shooter" who enlivened question period.
Ms. Barrett came honestly by her strong social democratic opinions. Born in Brandon, Man., the sixth of seven children, her military family moved to a duplex in the Griesbach area when she was eight.
In a 1989 interview, she described her mother, Terry, who died in 1997, as a strong lady who told her: "You never curtsy to anybody, you never bow to anybody, and you don't take orders."
Ms. Barrett was political in high school, but after graduating from Archbishop O'Leary took a job as a night telephone operator.
Ms. Barrett was married to former legislative counsel Michael Clegg in the 1990s.
LINC4 Topics
Dear Children,
Some of the following topics we discuss in this LINC4 session, besides learning Language Skills LSRW in English:
( 1 ) Business Networking
( 2) Geography of Canada
( 3 ) Government
( 4 ) Native People
( 5 ) Cultural Diversity
(6 ) Customs and Social Behavior
( 7 ) Environmental Issues
( 8 ) Citizenship
( 9 ) Family Law
( 10 ) The Police
( 11 ) Community Resources
( 12 ) Public Library
(13 ) Volunteering
( 14 ) Effective Learning
( 15 ) Adult Continuing Education
( 16 ) Job Interviews
( 17 ) Skills Assessment
( 18 ) Finance & Banking: Bank Accounts, Budgeting, Credit cards
( 19 ) Hunger, Population, The U N and Canada
( 20 ) Global Issues: Emergencies, Healthy Life Style, Relationships, Family roles, and Responsibilities
Love, Amma-Naana
Some of the following topics we discuss in this LINC4 session, besides learning Language Skills LSRW in English:
( 1 ) Business Networking
( 2) Geography of Canada
( 3 ) Government
( 4 ) Native People
( 5 ) Cultural Diversity
(6 ) Customs and Social Behavior
( 7 ) Environmental Issues
( 8 ) Citizenship
( 9 ) Family Law
( 10 ) The Police
( 11 ) Community Resources
( 12 ) Public Library
(13 ) Volunteering
( 14 ) Effective Learning
( 15 ) Adult Continuing Education
( 16 ) Job Interviews
( 17 ) Skills Assessment
( 18 ) Finance & Banking: Bank Accounts, Budgeting, Credit cards
( 19 ) Hunger, Population, The U N and Canada
( 20 ) Global Issues: Emergencies, Healthy Life Style, Relationships, Family roles, and Responsibilities
Love, Amma-Naana
Take Time
Dear Children,
Take time to think – thoughts are the source of power.
Take time to play – play is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to read – reading is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to love – loving is what makes living worthwhile.
Take time to be friendly – friendships give life a delicious flavor.
Take time to laugh – laughter is the music of the soul.
Take time to give – sharing brings joy to your heart.
Take time to work – work is the price of success.
Take time to dream – dreams show you what is possible.
Take time to do your work well –
pride in your work nourishes the mind and the spirit.
Take time to show appreciation – it's the frosting on the cake of life.
With Love, Amma-Naana
Take time to think – thoughts are the source of power.
Take time to play – play is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to read – reading is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to love – loving is what makes living worthwhile.
Take time to be friendly – friendships give life a delicious flavor.
Take time to laugh – laughter is the music of the soul.
Take time to give – sharing brings joy to your heart.
Take time to work – work is the price of success.
Take time to dream – dreams show you what is possible.
Take time to do your work well –
pride in your work nourishes the mind and the spirit.
Take time to show appreciation – it's the frosting on the cake of life.
With Love, Amma-Naana
Pablo Picasso Quotes

Dear Children,
Here are Pablo Picasso's Quotes.
~Action is the foundational key to all success.
~Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.
~All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
~Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
~I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them.
~It takes a long time to become young.
~Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
~Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success
With Love, Amma-Naana
Here are Pablo Picasso's Quotes.
~Action is the foundational key to all success.
~Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.
~All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
~Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
~I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them.
~It takes a long time to become young.
~Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
~Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success
With Love, Amma-Naana
Peace - Gandhi

Thank you for your e-mail.
It nice that you have chosen Mahatma Gandhi as your research topic.
Gandhi believed that the rich have excess supplies of the things they don't need, while millions live on the edge of hunger. If everyone would only own what they actually need, no one would have to live in poverty and everyone would be happy.
"I hate privilege and monopolies.
I reject everything
that cannot be shared with the rest of the people.
The world is my country.
All mankind are my brethren
And to do good is my religion. "
- M. K. Gandhi
Long Live His Human Touch.
Thank you for your e-mail.
It nice that you have chosen Mahatma Gandhi as your research topic.
Gandhi believed that the rich have excess supplies of the things they don't need, while millions live on the edge of hunger. If everyone would only own what they actually need, no one would have to live in poverty and everyone would be happy.
"I hate privilege and monopolies.
I reject everything
that cannot be shared with the rest of the people.
The world is my country.
All mankind are my brethren
And to do good is my religion. "
- M. K. Gandhi
Long Live His Human Touch.
Regards, Somayya Kasani.
Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards.

Dear Monica,
How are you? How is your study at MacEvan College? Please tell me something about your present curriculam.
The above picture is from the movie " I am David". We watched that movie on last Friday in our class. I am sure that our Paul might have told you the story, already. The movie was really very nice. All of us kept our poor eyes wide open all the time, from the beginning to the end of the Film.
We will discuss about this movie later in our classroom.
The real tragedy is that we can understand the history, easily. But we cannot identify and understand the would be history (present), which goes around us in our day today life. Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards. If we can read the people well, around us we can find many Davids. But it is not easy to read people alive (present) well, rather than we can do it well their past.
More in my next e-mail. Please convey my best wishes to Mr. Paul.
With Regards,
~Somayya Kasani
How are you? How is your study at MacEvan College? Please tell me something about your present curriculam.
The above picture is from the movie " I am David". We watched that movie on last Friday in our class. I am sure that our Paul might have told you the story, already. The movie was really very nice. All of us kept our poor eyes wide open all the time, from the beginning to the end of the Film.
We will discuss about this movie later in our classroom.
The real tragedy is that we can understand the history, easily. But we cannot identify and understand the would be history (present), which goes around us in our day today life. Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards. If we can read the people well, around us we can find many Davids. But it is not easy to read people alive (present) well, rather than we can do it well their past.
More in my next e-mail. Please convey my best wishes to Mr. Paul.
With Regards,
~Somayya Kasani
Hi Somaiah,
It's so nice to hear from you. I am fine and my studies are going well.
We have speaking, reading, writing and listening classes. I felt little bored at the beginning because it seemed to be too easy for me, but it became more interesting now. The level is little more complicated but not impossible. I like that, because it keeps my mind working all the time.
We have different topics: arts, computers, sociology, medicine, etc. We have also researches and presentations.
One of the research's topic is "A famous person". I choose to research about Mahatma Gandhi because he has been a spirit of peace and truth, even after his death.
I am glad to hear you liked the movie "I am David". I was also impressed about it and I went immly to the library and borrowed the book, that the movie is based on. I would like to recommend you to read it. It's amazing in a way of telling the story. When you start reading it, the time just flies and you cannot leave it from your hands.
I hope everything is fine about you and your family. I wish you all the best and I wait for your reply.
Monica Ciobanu
హాస్య సంపద - From
తప్పా! రైటా!
టీచర్ : రవి "రేపు నీవు స్కూల్కు వచ్చితివి"ఈ వాక్యం తప్పా! రైటా!"
రవి : తప్పండి
టీచర్ : గుడ్ ఎందుకు?
రవి : రేపు ఆదివారం కదా! స్కూల్ ఉండదు కాబట్టి.
విద్యార్థి : "నేను చేయని పనికి నన్ను దండించడం న్యాయమా?"
పంతులు : "కాదు! విషయమేమిటో చెప్పు?"
విద్యార్థి : "నేను హొం వర్క్" చేయలేదండి! "
టీచర్ : "గోపీ! భారతం ముందా? రామాయణం ముందా?"
గోపీ : "భారతమే సార్!"
టీచర్ : ఎందుకు?
గోపి : "ఏది ముందు రాస్తే అదే!"
భగవాన్ : ఒరేయ్ భజ గోవిందం! నీ ఆఫీస్లో పని చేసే వారంతా ఎంచక్కా నిద్రపోతున్నారు.
భజ గోవిందం : ఆరేళ్ళుగా ఈ ఆఫీస్ మేనేజర్గా అఘోరిస్తున్నాను నాకు తెలియదట్రా? నన్ను నిద్ర లేపి మరీ చేప్పాలంట్రా!
టీచర్ : ఒరే రవీ విమాననాన్ని ఎవరు కనుగొన్నారురా?
రవి : "రైట్ సోదరులండీ"
టీచర్ : "ఒరే నానీ! రైలునెవరు కనుగొన్నారురా?"
నాని : "లెఫ్ట్ సోదరులు సార్"
చెప్పింది చేసావా...
తండ్రి : ఒరే వెధవ అమ్మనీకేదో చెప్పింది చేసావా?
కొడుకు : ఓ చేసా... పిల్లి పాలుత్రాగిపోతుంది చూస్తుండమని చెప్పింది. అది ఎంచక్కా ఇప్పుడే పాలు త్రాగి మూతి కూడా తుడుచుకుంది.
వెయ్యిలోనుండి ఒకటి తీస్తే ఎంత సుశీలా ?
'మూడు సున్నాలు సార్'.
టీచర్ : ఒరేయ్ నవీన్! దక్షిణాన్ని 'సౌత్' అంటారు కదా. మరి ఉత్తరాన్ని ఏమంటారు?
నావీన్ : 'పోస్ట్కార్డ్' అంటారు టీచర్.
టీచర్ : ఒరేయ్ రామూ... నువ్వు పెద్దయ్యాక ఏమవుతావురా?
రాము : ముసలివాణ్ణవుతాను టీచర్.
"దసరా" పండుగ ప్రాముఖ్యత ఏమిట్రా రవీ? అడిగారు ప్రయివేటు మాస్టారు.
"బడికి సెలవు" సార్.
ఏరా రవీంద్రా క్రమశిక్షణ అంటే ఏమిట్రా?
ఒక్కొక్కరిని శిక్షించడం సార్.
టీచర్ : రవి "రేపు నీవు స్కూల్కు వచ్చితివి"ఈ వాక్యం తప్పా! రైటా!"
రవి : తప్పండి
టీచర్ : గుడ్ ఎందుకు?
రవి : రేపు ఆదివారం కదా! స్కూల్ ఉండదు కాబట్టి.
విద్యార్థి : "నేను చేయని పనికి నన్ను దండించడం న్యాయమా?"
పంతులు : "కాదు! విషయమేమిటో చెప్పు?"
విద్యార్థి : "నేను హొం వర్క్" చేయలేదండి! "
టీచర్ : "గోపీ! భారతం ముందా? రామాయణం ముందా?"
గోపీ : "భారతమే సార్!"
టీచర్ : ఎందుకు?
గోపి : "ఏది ముందు రాస్తే అదే!"
భగవాన్ : ఒరేయ్ భజ గోవిందం! నీ ఆఫీస్లో పని చేసే వారంతా ఎంచక్కా నిద్రపోతున్నారు.
భజ గోవిందం : ఆరేళ్ళుగా ఈ ఆఫీస్ మేనేజర్గా అఘోరిస్తున్నాను నాకు తెలియదట్రా? నన్ను నిద్ర లేపి మరీ చేప్పాలంట్రా!
టీచర్ : ఒరే రవీ విమాననాన్ని ఎవరు కనుగొన్నారురా?
రవి : "రైట్ సోదరులండీ"
టీచర్ : "ఒరే నానీ! రైలునెవరు కనుగొన్నారురా?"
నాని : "లెఫ్ట్ సోదరులు సార్"
చెప్పింది చేసావా...
తండ్రి : ఒరే వెధవ అమ్మనీకేదో చెప్పింది చేసావా?
కొడుకు : ఓ చేసా... పిల్లి పాలుత్రాగిపోతుంది చూస్తుండమని చెప్పింది. అది ఎంచక్కా ఇప్పుడే పాలు త్రాగి మూతి కూడా తుడుచుకుంది.
వెయ్యిలోనుండి ఒకటి తీస్తే ఎంత సుశీలా ?
'మూడు సున్నాలు సార్'.
టీచర్ : ఒరేయ్ నవీన్! దక్షిణాన్ని 'సౌత్' అంటారు కదా. మరి ఉత్తరాన్ని ఏమంటారు?
నావీన్ : 'పోస్ట్కార్డ్' అంటారు టీచర్.
టీచర్ : ఒరేయ్ రామూ... నువ్వు పెద్దయ్యాక ఏమవుతావురా?
రాము : ముసలివాణ్ణవుతాను టీచర్.
"దసరా" పండుగ ప్రాముఖ్యత ఏమిట్రా రవీ? అడిగారు ప్రయివేటు మాస్టారు.
"బడికి సెలవు" సార్.
ఏరా రవీంద్రా క్రమశిక్షణ అంటే ఏమిట్రా?
ఒక్కొక్కరిని శిక్షించడం సార్.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Art Kills Ego
Dear All,
" I am David"; is a genuine life touching movie, Isn't it?.
Here is a nice poem for you...
With Love, Amma-Naana
Whenever I am in dilemma,
I try relaxing through world art cinema
It makes me laugh and weep,
And challenges me to think in deep
It narrates me human history,
Reveals the hidden mystery
Our hopes, our dreams, our whole life, I see, dude!
I can watch the truth in nude!!
For a moment, daily disturbances become slow
New thoughts flow, new hopes glow
Our secret fears, our silly doubts, our all, let them go
Art always kills my ego
Watching art cinema, doing meditation, for me, both are same
Both make me more human, mind becomes pretty calm
Perhaps, while meditating, my eyes, I close!
When watching art cinema, all my senses, I enclose!!
" I am David"; is a genuine life touching movie, Isn't it?.
Here is a nice poem for you...
With Love, Amma-Naana
Whenever I am in dilemma,
I try relaxing through world art cinema
It makes me laugh and weep,
And challenges me to think in deep
It narrates me human history,
Reveals the hidden mystery
Our hopes, our dreams, our whole life, I see, dude!
I can watch the truth in nude!!
For a moment, daily disturbances become slow
New thoughts flow, new hopes glow
Our secret fears, our silly doubts, our all, let them go
Art always kills my ego
Watching art cinema, doing meditation, for me, both are same
Both make me more human, mind becomes pretty calm
Perhaps, while meditating, my eyes, I close!
When watching art cinema, all my senses, I enclose!!
Thought For The Day
Dear Children, Good Morning.
- A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man.
- Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.
Have a Nice Day!
- A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man.
- Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.
Have a Nice Day!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
అనగనగా ఓ కధలా ఆ నిన్నకి సెలవిస్తే!
ఈ రోజు ఇలా చాల రోజుల తర్వాత పండగ సందడితో వచ్చేసాను.. అసలు పండగ సందడంటే గుర్తోచ్చొంది .. అసలేమి పండగలండీ బాబు!! అందరూ ఎంతో కృత్రిమంగా చెయ్యాలి కాబట్టి అనే రీతిలో చేస్తున్నారు. కాని ఎవరి ముఖకవళికలలోను ఉత్సాహం అనేది మచ్చుకైనా కనపడటం లేదు..
హు! ఎవరిదాకో ఎందుకు?? మా కుటుంబాన్నే తీసుకొంటే.. హమ్మయ్య ఓ రెండురోజులు ఆఫీస్ కి సెలవు అనే మాట తప్పితే ముగ్గుల హడావిడి .. పిండివంటల హడావిడి అస్సలు కనిపించలేదు.. ఎంతో యాంత్రికంగా అనిపించింది.
ముగ్గులు పెట్టడానికి తీరిక పిండివంటలు చేయడానికి ఓపిక కరువయ్యాయి.. మా పాపని ముగ్గెయమ్మా అంటే.. అసలు ఆ ముగ్గు పిండి ఎలా పట్టుకొంటారో తెలియదంది... దాని పిచ్చి గాని అపార్ట్మెంట్లో ముగ్గు పెట్టడానికి ముగ్గెందుకో?? చిన్న చాక్ పీస్ వుంటే చాలు కదా.. అబ్బ!! నాకు రావమ్మా అని సణుగుడు..
సరె పండగ పిండివంటలు చెయ్యాలంటే.. అసలు అప్పుడు పెద్దవాళ్ళు ఎలా చేసార అని అనిపిస్తుంది.. బొబ్బట్లు అరిసెలు.. మొ! ఓ నాలుగు బొబ్బట్లు కాస్త పులిహోర.. కాస్త పరవాన్నం కనుమ రోజు కాస్త గారెలు... ఇది చాలులే పండగ అయ్యిందనిపించడానికి అనే అల్ప సంతోషం.. పిల్లలికి కొత్త బట్టలు ఇదేనా పండగంటే అని ఓ క్షణం అనిపించినా పట్నంలో ఇంతకన్నా ఏమి చేస్తాములే ఈ ఇరకాటంలో అని అనిపించకమానదు.... ఒకప్పుడు నెల ముగ్గు అంటూ నెల ముందు నుండే మొదలయ్యిన సంక్రాంతి పండగ సంభరాలు .. అవి గుర్తోస్తే అసలు జీవితమనేది ఎంత యాంత్రికంగా మనిషి మనిషిని పలరించుకొనే టైం కూడా లేకుండా గడిపోతోందా అని... పలకరిస్తే అవతలివారి ఆలోచనలు పక్కదారి పడ్తాయి..
ఏదో పని వుంటేనే మనని పలకరిస్తారు అన్న అపోహలో వుండే అవతలివారి వ్యాపార పరమైన ఆలోచనలు ఆ కాస్త పలకరింపుని కూడా సరి అయిన పద్ధతిలో అందుకోలేరు ..అసలంత దురదృష్టకరం ఇంకోటి వుండదేమొ అని ఒక్కోసారి అనిపిస్తుంది.
అందుకే అలా అన్నీ అనగనగా ఒక కధలా ఆ నిన్నకి విచ్చేద్దాము..
( I read this piece of story, this evening from our Telugu Paper - With Love, AmmaNaana)
హు! ఎవరిదాకో ఎందుకు?? మా కుటుంబాన్నే తీసుకొంటే.. హమ్మయ్య ఓ రెండురోజులు ఆఫీస్ కి సెలవు అనే మాట తప్పితే ముగ్గుల హడావిడి .. పిండివంటల హడావిడి అస్సలు కనిపించలేదు.. ఎంతో యాంత్రికంగా అనిపించింది.
ముగ్గులు పెట్టడానికి తీరిక పిండివంటలు చేయడానికి ఓపిక కరువయ్యాయి.. మా పాపని ముగ్గెయమ్మా అంటే.. అసలు ఆ ముగ్గు పిండి ఎలా పట్టుకొంటారో తెలియదంది... దాని పిచ్చి గాని అపార్ట్మెంట్లో ముగ్గు పెట్టడానికి ముగ్గెందుకో?? చిన్న చాక్ పీస్ వుంటే చాలు కదా.. అబ్బ!! నాకు రావమ్మా అని సణుగుడు..
సరె పండగ పిండివంటలు చెయ్యాలంటే.. అసలు అప్పుడు పెద్దవాళ్ళు ఎలా చేసార అని అనిపిస్తుంది.. బొబ్బట్లు అరిసెలు.. మొ! ఓ నాలుగు బొబ్బట్లు కాస్త పులిహోర.. కాస్త పరవాన్నం కనుమ రోజు కాస్త గారెలు... ఇది చాలులే పండగ అయ్యిందనిపించడానికి అనే అల్ప సంతోషం.. పిల్లలికి కొత్త బట్టలు ఇదేనా పండగంటే అని ఓ క్షణం అనిపించినా పట్నంలో ఇంతకన్నా ఏమి చేస్తాములే ఈ ఇరకాటంలో అని అనిపించకమానదు.... ఒకప్పుడు నెల ముగ్గు అంటూ నెల ముందు నుండే మొదలయ్యిన సంక్రాంతి పండగ సంభరాలు .. అవి గుర్తోస్తే అసలు జీవితమనేది ఎంత యాంత్రికంగా మనిషి మనిషిని పలరించుకొనే టైం కూడా లేకుండా గడిపోతోందా అని... పలకరిస్తే అవతలివారి ఆలోచనలు పక్కదారి పడ్తాయి..
ఏదో పని వుంటేనే మనని పలకరిస్తారు అన్న అపోహలో వుండే అవతలివారి వ్యాపార పరమైన ఆలోచనలు ఆ కాస్త పలకరింపుని కూడా సరి అయిన పద్ధతిలో అందుకోలేరు ..అసలంత దురదృష్టకరం ఇంకోటి వుండదేమొ అని ఒక్కోసారి అనిపిస్తుంది.
అందుకే అలా అన్నీ అనగనగా ఒక కధలా ఆ నిన్నకి విచ్చేద్దాము..
( I read this piece of story, this evening from our Telugu Paper - With Love, AmmaNaana)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Thought For The Day
~All the world is of full of suffering: it also full of people overcoming it.
- Helen Keller
~All difficulties are really opportunites for us to learn, grow, and heal.
John Gray -
~People have one thing in common: they are all different.
- Robert
~Be kind. Everyone is struggling.
- Anonymous
~There is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world than there is hunger for bread.
- Mother Theresa
~Things do not change. We do.
- Henry David Thoreau
~Freedom is nothing else but the chance to be better.
- Albert Camus
- Helen Keller
~All difficulties are really opportunites for us to learn, grow, and heal.
John Gray -
~People have one thing in common: they are all different.
- Robert
~Be kind. Everyone is struggling.
- Anonymous
~There is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world than there is hunger for bread.
- Mother Theresa
~Things do not change. We do.
- Henry David Thoreau
~Freedom is nothing else but the chance to be better.
- Albert Camus
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I Am David By Anne Holm (1963) - A Movie Synopsis

My Dear Children,
Today we all watched a movie called "Iam David" in our class room. Here is the synopsis of the movie.
With Love, AmmaNaana
This is a story about a young boy's epic journey across Europe, and his budding emotions and sense of the wonder of life.
The facts are simple. David is a 12 year old boy. He has lived all his life in a concentration camp somewhere in eastern Europe. He does not know anything about his parents or where he comes from, or why he is in the camp. All he knows is that he is David. One day, without any explanation, a guard arranges for him to escape. The electric current is switched off from the perimeter fence for half a minute, just long enough for David to climb over. He is given bread and water and a compass. He is told to head south for Salonica, stow away on a ship sailing to Italy, and then walk north until he comes to a country called Denmark. And that is what David does.
Now, what kind of person would you be if you had spent all your life in a concentration camp? The first thing you may notice about David is his extraordinary isolation. He has survived in the camp by never allowing himself to think further than the next meal. After the death of his friend and teacher, Johannes, he never permits himself to have any affection for anyone. Out of the camp and on the run he believes, not unreasonably, that 'they' are after him. Of all the people that he meets on his long journey, he doesn't feel able to trust anyone. And so he shoulders the burden of the journey alone. Consequently, of course, all the judgments he makes about other people and their actions, and his own actions, are governed entirely by his own moral standards.
He has very high moral standards. For instance, he refuses to accept payment for a small service that he renders voluntarily to a stranger. For him, I think, to chose to observe high moral standards is a symbol of his new-found liberty. And should anyone fall below his own exacting standards he is an unforgiving opponent:
Haven't you seen that David hates Carlo? Not like boys who fight and then forget about it because there is really nothing serious to fight over. David hates Carlo as a grown man hates. He talks to him only when he has to, and then he speaks politely and coldly and refuses to look at him.
But as David journeys across Europe he begins to comprehend that he cannot live life entirely alone. He does need other people, Maria, whom he saves from the fire, and the dog, and perhaps a mother of his own ... And it works the other way round - other people may need things from him. It is not good enough for David simply to hate evil when he finds it in others. If others say they are sorry for their evil acts then he must also learn to forgive, because relentless unforgiving is another kind of cruelty.
The book is not set in a real time or place. Although the circumstances seem real enough, David's background is a synthesis of all the terrible persecution that happened during the Second World War and the subsequent years of cold war communism. This helps to make David a very powerful and pure figure. I don't think he is particularly real. Anne Holm uses him as a blank canvas on which can be drawn the first experiences of life - beauty, knowledge, trust, religion, love, everything.
And what pleasure he discovers in the simple things of life:
Before he had come to the town he had known about nothing but death: here he had learnt to live, to decide things for himself; he had learnt what it felt like to wash in clean water in the sunshine until he was clean himself, and what it felt like to satisfy his hunger with food that tasted good; he had learnt the sound of laughter that was free from cruelty; he had learnt the meaning of beauty -
More of a discussion paper than an adventure story, but atmospheric and quite thought-provoking. If you want to know whether David eventually finds a place to settle down, you will have to read the book.
Read the background article About I Am David
Today we all watched a movie called "Iam David" in our class room. Here is the synopsis of the movie.
With Love, AmmaNaana
This is a story about a young boy's epic journey across Europe, and his budding emotions and sense of the wonder of life.
The facts are simple. David is a 12 year old boy. He has lived all his life in a concentration camp somewhere in eastern Europe. He does not know anything about his parents or where he comes from, or why he is in the camp. All he knows is that he is David. One day, without any explanation, a guard arranges for him to escape. The electric current is switched off from the perimeter fence for half a minute, just long enough for David to climb over. He is given bread and water and a compass. He is told to head south for Salonica, stow away on a ship sailing to Italy, and then walk north until he comes to a country called Denmark. And that is what David does.
Now, what kind of person would you be if you had spent all your life in a concentration camp? The first thing you may notice about David is his extraordinary isolation. He has survived in the camp by never allowing himself to think further than the next meal. After the death of his friend and teacher, Johannes, he never permits himself to have any affection for anyone. Out of the camp and on the run he believes, not unreasonably, that 'they' are after him. Of all the people that he meets on his long journey, he doesn't feel able to trust anyone. And so he shoulders the burden of the journey alone. Consequently, of course, all the judgments he makes about other people and their actions, and his own actions, are governed entirely by his own moral standards.
He has very high moral standards. For instance, he refuses to accept payment for a small service that he renders voluntarily to a stranger. For him, I think, to chose to observe high moral standards is a symbol of his new-found liberty. And should anyone fall below his own exacting standards he is an unforgiving opponent:
Haven't you seen that David hates Carlo? Not like boys who fight and then forget about it because there is really nothing serious to fight over. David hates Carlo as a grown man hates. He talks to him only when he has to, and then he speaks politely and coldly and refuses to look at him.
But as David journeys across Europe he begins to comprehend that he cannot live life entirely alone. He does need other people, Maria, whom he saves from the fire, and the dog, and perhaps a mother of his own ... And it works the other way round - other people may need things from him. It is not good enough for David simply to hate evil when he finds it in others. If others say they are sorry for their evil acts then he must also learn to forgive, because relentless unforgiving is another kind of cruelty.
The book is not set in a real time or place. Although the circumstances seem real enough, David's background is a synthesis of all the terrible persecution that happened during the Second World War and the subsequent years of cold war communism. This helps to make David a very powerful and pure figure. I don't think he is particularly real. Anne Holm uses him as a blank canvas on which can be drawn the first experiences of life - beauty, knowledge, trust, religion, love, everything.
And what pleasure he discovers in the simple things of life:
Before he had come to the town he had known about nothing but death: here he had learnt to live, to decide things for himself; he had learnt what it felt like to wash in clean water in the sunshine until he was clean himself, and what it felt like to satisfy his hunger with food that tasted good; he had learnt the sound of laughter that was free from cruelty; he had learnt the meaning of beauty -
More of a discussion paper than an adventure story, but atmospheric and quite thought-provoking. If you want to know whether David eventually finds a place to settle down, you will have to read the book.
Read the background article About I Am David
Friday, January 18, 2008
FOOD that we eat can either make us THIN or FAT.
Dear All, Good Afternoon.
We are happy to know that our sweet Pragathi is drinking more milk each day and playing well. Thank you all, our dear people for your regular communication.
FOOD that we eat can either make us THIN or FAT. We don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. We get fat because we don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.
Also, the pattern that we choose to eat your meals each day is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills. This is true because our body is like an "engine" and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if we don't eat the right foods at the right times then it won't burn those calories -- and we'll wind up storing those calories as fat tissue. We need to eat more than 3 times per day to lose weight.
Take Care of your health.
With Love, Amma-Naana
We are happy to know that our sweet Pragathi is drinking more milk each day and playing well. Thank you all, our dear people for your regular communication.
FOOD that we eat can either make us THIN or FAT. We don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. We get fat because we don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.
Also, the pattern that we choose to eat your meals each day is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills. This is true because our body is like an "engine" and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if we don't eat the right foods at the right times then it won't burn those calories -- and we'll wind up storing those calories as fat tissue. We need to eat more than 3 times per day to lose weight.
Take Care of your health.
With Love, Amma-Naana
John Holden, stirring interest
You are now registered for John Holden’s presentation on January 22.
John Holden (London, England)
Culture & Politics: Creating Change
Tuesday, January 22 at 8pm
Conference Theatre
5-142 MacEwan Centre, 105 St Building
John Holden is Head of Culture at Demos, The Think Tank For Everyday Democracy. Demos is entering its fifteenth year and is one the UK's most influential think tanks.
The 40 minute presentation is keenly researched and tailored for a Canadian audience. The information is full of examples and images and is pleasurably compelling. A cheese and wine reception follows.
You are now registered for John Holden’s presentation on January 22.
John Holden (London, England)
Culture & Politics: Creating Change
Tuesday, January 22 at 8pm
Conference Theatre
5-142 MacEwan Centre, 105 St Building
John Holden is Head of Culture at Demos, The Think Tank For Everyday Democracy. Demos is entering its fifteenth year and is one the UK's most influential think tanks.
The 40 minute presentation is keenly researched and tailored for a Canadian audience. The information is full of examples and images and is pleasurably compelling. A cheese and wine reception follows.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
You'll do it! A Poem By Edgar A Guest
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he, with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't", but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he tried.
So he bucked right in with a trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least, no one ever had done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we know he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it/
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done", and you'll do it.
But he, with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't", but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he tried.
So he bucked right in with a trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least, no one ever had done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we know he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it/
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done", and you'll do it.
Early morning is an excellent time for personal development

Dear Children,
Early morning alertness is a great habit to develop. The quiet of the morning is often the time when our mind is at its clearest and most well-suited to solving important problems.
Let us learn new language or try new idea? Let us get up early and work on it in the morning!. If we start early, we make our day longer; we can do much more in one day than we usually do. Let us wake up earlier, jump to work, we may be done by the afternoon...
Instead of going to bed at a fixed time each night, let us stay up until we’re sleepy. If you’re lying awake at night for 30 minutes or more trying to fall asleep, I’d say you’ve gone to bed too early. Get up and read for a while. When you start to nod off while reading, it’s time for bed. If we start going to bed when we’re sleepy and get up at a fixed time each morning, our body will eventually adapt. It’s important to have something to look forward to that makes us eager to get out of bed.
Some like going to the gym, so it serves as a good reason to get out of bed. We know that exercising will leave them feeling even more energized. If our morning routine ever becomes boring, let us change it. Any effective routine may eventually stop working for us. Let us do whatever is necessary to keep it interesting.
We hope you all have a wonderfully nice day!
With Love, Amma - Nana
Early morning alertness is a great habit to develop. The quiet of the morning is often the time when our mind is at its clearest and most well-suited to solving important problems.
Let us learn new language or try new idea? Let us get up early and work on it in the morning!. If we start early, we make our day longer; we can do much more in one day than we usually do. Let us wake up earlier, jump to work, we may be done by the afternoon...
Instead of going to bed at a fixed time each night, let us stay up until we’re sleepy. If you’re lying awake at night for 30 minutes or more trying to fall asleep, I’d say you’ve gone to bed too early. Get up and read for a while. When you start to nod off while reading, it’s time for bed. If we start going to bed when we’re sleepy and get up at a fixed time each morning, our body will eventually adapt. It’s important to have something to look forward to that makes us eager to get out of bed.
Some like going to the gym, so it serves as a good reason to get out of bed. We know that exercising will leave them feeling even more energized. If our morning routine ever becomes boring, let us change it. Any effective routine may eventually stop working for us. Let us do whatever is necessary to keep it interesting.
We hope you all have a wonderfully nice day!
With Love, Amma - Nana
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
One Tea Sip Closer to a Long and Healthy Life...
Here is something that I came across
~Drink Tea To Your Health...
~Tea is Good For Your Heart.
~Tea may reduce risk of death after heart attack.
~Tea Fights Skin Cancer.
~10 Foods That Pack a Wallop - There's Something to Be Said for Having 'Tea Bones'
~Drinking Green Tea May Help You Lose Weight
Tea's reputation as a healthy brew is increasing...
Best Wishes,
Somayya Kasani.
"There is no such thing as an unimportant day in a person's life"
We Learn From...
Good Morning, Dear All.
We learn from
10% of what we read.
20% of what we hear.
30% of what we see.
50% of what we see and hear.
70% of what we discuss with others.
80% of what we experience.
95% of what we teach others.
However our chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by our belief in ourselves.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
May We Live Well All The Days of Our Life!

Dear Children,
Deeds not words shall speak a person. It is best to avoid a man who thinks only he is wise. Love is not a feeling, it is a decision - to do the best we can for the other person.
Some people make the day brighter just by being in it. Each person fulfils many roles as a human being. There are as many opinions as there are people. Each has his own correct way. In our lives we each act, evaluate, correct, then act again. If we stop struggles, then we stop life. Either you run the day, or the day runs you.
Crisis of yesterday is the joke of tomorrow!!
With Love, Amma - Nana
Deeds not words shall speak a person. It is best to avoid a man who thinks only he is wise. Love is not a feeling, it is a decision - to do the best we can for the other person.
Some people make the day brighter just by being in it. Each person fulfils many roles as a human being. There are as many opinions as there are people. Each has his own correct way. In our lives we each act, evaluate, correct, then act again. If we stop struggles, then we stop life. Either you run the day, or the day runs you.
Crisis of yesterday is the joke of tomorrow!!
With Love, Amma - Nana
Monday, January 14, 2008
అమ్మ అనే పదం తర్వాత ఆత్మీయతను ధ్వనింపజేసే ఏకైక పదం స్నేహం.
ఒక వ్యక్తి శీలాన్ని, గుణగణాలను అతడు పెంచుకున్న స్నేహాన్నిబట్టే నిర్ణయించగలం. ఒకరితో స్నేహం కలుపుకుని చెలిమిని పెంచుకోవాలని నిర్ణయించుకుంటే వారి స్థితిగతులను, జీవిత సరళిని, మనోవైఖరిని, వారి అలవాట్లను, అభ్యాసాలను పూర్తిగా తెలుసుకోవడం అవసరం.
అసలైన మిత్రులు మన స్వభావాన్నిబట్టి, గుణాన్నిబట్టి ఏర్పడుతున్నారుగానీ మనం ఇచ్చేదాన్నిబట్టి ఏర్పడడం లేదు. ఎక్కువ మంది స్నేహితులతో సౌభ్రతృత్వంతో సుఖమయంగా జీవించాలంటే ముఖ్యంగా గమనించదగ్గవి.....
ఓర్పు, పట్టుదల: మంచి చెలిమితో స్నేహాన్ని బాగా పెంచుకోవాలంటే పట్టుదల ముఖ్యంగా ఉండాలి. పట్టుదలకు తగిన ఓర్పు కూడా అవసరం. సహనబుద్ధి లేకపోతే స్నేహం విడిపోతుంది.
సౌహార్ద్రత, విశాల హృదయం: స్నేహితుల ప్రవర్తన అన్ని వేళల్లోనూ ఒకే రకంగా ఉంటుందనుకోలేం. మన చంచల బుద్ధికే ఒక్కొక్కప్పుడు వారి ప్రవర్తన తప్పుగా అనిపించవచ్చు. వారి పొరపాట్లను, లోపాలను పట్టించుకోకూడదు. మొండి వాదాలు పెంచుకోకూడదు.
సత్యసంధత: ఇప్పటికైనా జయించేది సత్యమే. నిజమెప్పుడూ దాగదు అనేమాట మరచిపోకూడదు. స్నేహితుల మధ్య ఇబ్బందులు, కలతలు, చికాకులు కలగకుండా ఉండాలంటే అబద్ధాలు చెప్పకూడదు. స్నేహితుల్లో కనిపించే మంచిని ప్రచారం చేయడానికి ప్రయత్నించాలి.
సహనభావం: ఎదుటివారిని గౌరవించడం ముఖ్యం. ఇతరులను బాధ కల్గించే చలోక్తులు మంచీ కావు. ఒక్కొక్కప్పుడు ఇవి అపోహలకు దారితీస్తాయి.
నిష్కాపట్యము: నిష్కాపట్యత, యోగ్యత వల్ల చెలిమి చిరకాలం వర్ధిల్లుతుంది. ఈ రెండు గుణాలు మానవుని సహజ స్వభావాలను ప్రకటిస్తాయి.
ధైర్యోత్సాహాలు: పరస్పర స్నేహంతో సాధించలేని జయముండదు. స్నేహితుల నైపుణ్యానికి, శక్తిసామర్ధ్యాలకు అసూయపడకూడదు. స్నేహితుల గుణగణాలను పొగడడం ఉత్తమ స్నేహితుని లక్షణం.
విశాల హృదయంతో నిజాన్ని నిలబెట్టుకుంటూ ఆత్మ సంతృప్తి కోసం మంచిని చేస్తూ స్నేహాన్ని ప్రవృద్ధి చేసుకోవాలి. ఒక్క ముక్కలో చెప్పాలంటే ఇద్దరు వ్యక్తుల మధ్య స్నేహం తెరిచిన పుస్తకంలా ఉండాలి.
ఒక వ్యక్తి శీలాన్ని, గుణగణాలను అతడు పెంచుకున్న స్నేహాన్నిబట్టే నిర్ణయించగలం. ఒకరితో స్నేహం కలుపుకుని చెలిమిని పెంచుకోవాలని నిర్ణయించుకుంటే వారి స్థితిగతులను, జీవిత సరళిని, మనోవైఖరిని, వారి అలవాట్లను, అభ్యాసాలను పూర్తిగా తెలుసుకోవడం అవసరం.
అసలైన మిత్రులు మన స్వభావాన్నిబట్టి, గుణాన్నిబట్టి ఏర్పడుతున్నారుగానీ మనం ఇచ్చేదాన్నిబట్టి ఏర్పడడం లేదు. ఎక్కువ మంది స్నేహితులతో సౌభ్రతృత్వంతో సుఖమయంగా జీవించాలంటే ముఖ్యంగా గమనించదగ్గవి.....
ఓర్పు, పట్టుదల: మంచి చెలిమితో స్నేహాన్ని బాగా పెంచుకోవాలంటే పట్టుదల ముఖ్యంగా ఉండాలి. పట్టుదలకు తగిన ఓర్పు కూడా అవసరం. సహనబుద్ధి లేకపోతే స్నేహం విడిపోతుంది.
సౌహార్ద్రత, విశాల హృదయం: స్నేహితుల ప్రవర్తన అన్ని వేళల్లోనూ ఒకే రకంగా ఉంటుందనుకోలేం. మన చంచల బుద్ధికే ఒక్కొక్కప్పుడు వారి ప్రవర్తన తప్పుగా అనిపించవచ్చు. వారి పొరపాట్లను, లోపాలను పట్టించుకోకూడదు. మొండి వాదాలు పెంచుకోకూడదు.
సత్యసంధత: ఇప్పటికైనా జయించేది సత్యమే. నిజమెప్పుడూ దాగదు అనేమాట మరచిపోకూడదు. స్నేహితుల మధ్య ఇబ్బందులు, కలతలు, చికాకులు కలగకుండా ఉండాలంటే అబద్ధాలు చెప్పకూడదు. స్నేహితుల్లో కనిపించే మంచిని ప్రచారం చేయడానికి ప్రయత్నించాలి.
సహనభావం: ఎదుటివారిని గౌరవించడం ముఖ్యం. ఇతరులను బాధ కల్గించే చలోక్తులు మంచీ కావు. ఒక్కొక్కప్పుడు ఇవి అపోహలకు దారితీస్తాయి.
నిష్కాపట్యము: నిష్కాపట్యత, యోగ్యత వల్ల చెలిమి చిరకాలం వర్ధిల్లుతుంది. ఈ రెండు గుణాలు మానవుని సహజ స్వభావాలను ప్రకటిస్తాయి.
ధైర్యోత్సాహాలు: పరస్పర స్నేహంతో సాధించలేని జయముండదు. స్నేహితుల నైపుణ్యానికి, శక్తిసామర్ధ్యాలకు అసూయపడకూడదు. స్నేహితుల గుణగణాలను పొగడడం ఉత్తమ స్నేహితుని లక్షణం.
విశాల హృదయంతో నిజాన్ని నిలబెట్టుకుంటూ ఆత్మ సంతృప్తి కోసం మంచిని చేస్తూ స్నేహాన్ని ప్రవృద్ధి చేసుకోవాలి. ఒక్క ముక్కలో చెప్పాలంటే ఇద్దరు వ్యక్తుల మధ్య స్నేహం తెరిచిన పుస్తకంలా ఉండాలి.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Minister Bernier Concludes Successful Meetings in India

January 12, 2008
The Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today concluded a three-day visit to India during which he explored ways of deepening relations between Canada and India. Parliamentary Secretary Deepak Obhrai accompanied Minister Bernier on this visit.
“I was very pleased with my first visit to India—the first by a Canadian foreign minister in five years. It has been very successful, and is in keeping with our government’s commitment to further strengthen our relationship with India,” said Minister Bernier.
During the visit, Minister Bernier met with Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath.
“Minister Mukherjee and I had a very positive discussion about the Canada-India relationship, focusing on strategic, political and economic interests,” Minister Bernier said. “Canada and India share common values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. It is vital that Canada maintain a strong relationship with India, the world’s largest democracy and an increasingly important international partner.”
Minister Bernier also discussed the case of Saul Itzhayek, a Canadian citizen incarcerated in India.
At their meeting, ministers Bernier and Mukherjee discussed enhanced trade and investment opportunities, the environment, science and technology, regional security and counterterrorism. “We agreed that we would continue to strengthen our joint efforts toward keeping our democracies safe,” said Minister Bernier.
During his meeting with Minister Nath, Minister Bernier highlighted areas where commercial relations between Canada and India could be expanded, notably through two-way investment and science and technology collaboration. The Minister expressed Canada’s particular interest in key sectors such as aerospace, agriculture and agri-food, infrastructure, information and communication technologies, energy, and oil and gas.
While in New Delhi, Minister Bernier also met with members of the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce. During the meeting, eminent members of the Indo-Canadian business community shared their views with the Minister on future business opportunities in India. The Minister also visited the Delhi Metro, one of India’s most successful infrastructure projects. Last year, Bombardier won a US$590-million contract to supply 340 metro cars to Delhi Metro Phase II.
Minister Bernier also reiterated Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s invitation to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to visit Canada in early 2008, and confirmed Canadian funding of $3.5 million over five years for the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.
The meetings took place during Minister Bernier’s visit to the Middle East and Asia from January 9 to 14, 2008.
The Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today concluded a three-day visit to India during which he explored ways of deepening relations between Canada and India. Parliamentary Secretary Deepak Obhrai accompanied Minister Bernier on this visit.
“I was very pleased with my first visit to India—the first by a Canadian foreign minister in five years. It has been very successful, and is in keeping with our government’s commitment to further strengthen our relationship with India,” said Minister Bernier.
During the visit, Minister Bernier met with Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath.
“Minister Mukherjee and I had a very positive discussion about the Canada-India relationship, focusing on strategic, political and economic interests,” Minister Bernier said. “Canada and India share common values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. It is vital that Canada maintain a strong relationship with India, the world’s largest democracy and an increasingly important international partner.”
Minister Bernier also discussed the case of Saul Itzhayek, a Canadian citizen incarcerated in India.
At their meeting, ministers Bernier and Mukherjee discussed enhanced trade and investment opportunities, the environment, science and technology, regional security and counterterrorism. “We agreed that we would continue to strengthen our joint efforts toward keeping our democracies safe,” said Minister Bernier.
During his meeting with Minister Nath, Minister Bernier highlighted areas where commercial relations between Canada and India could be expanded, notably through two-way investment and science and technology collaboration. The Minister expressed Canada’s particular interest in key sectors such as aerospace, agriculture and agri-food, infrastructure, information and communication technologies, energy, and oil and gas.
While in New Delhi, Minister Bernier also met with members of the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce. During the meeting, eminent members of the Indo-Canadian business community shared their views with the Minister on future business opportunities in India. The Minister also visited the Delhi Metro, one of India’s most successful infrastructure projects. Last year, Bombardier won a US$590-million contract to supply 340 metro cars to Delhi Metro Phase II.
Minister Bernier also reiterated Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s invitation to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to visit Canada in early 2008, and confirmed Canadian funding of $3.5 million over five years for the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.
The meetings took place during Minister Bernier’s visit to the Middle East and Asia from January 9 to 14, 2008.
Happy Sankranthi

Dear All,
Festivals are loosing their significance in the fast moving world, aren't they?
Sankranthi is most popular festival after Dasara and Deepavali. Other festivals we celebrate are Ugaadi, Sriramanavami, Vinayaka chavithi etc. Sankrathi is one of the few festivals which comes on a fixed date, Isn't it?.
"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another"
With Love, Amma-Naana

If You Enjoy Writing, Give it a Shot - Pen Down Your Thoughts In A Journal

"Should you keep a journal? I think that anyone who enjoys writing should keep a journal. Whether you’re a student or experienced writer, give yourself a daily writing challenge.
A journal is the perfect medium to explore your own mind. You can use journal writing as pure relaxation and therapy.
For example, a student might benefit by writing a short composition each day, to improve skill and speed for English assignments. A more experienced writer may find persuasive pieces an asset in copy writing. A writer fascinated with character development as an element of the novel can use journal writing to explore different techniques.
Journal writing can serve many purposes. Journal writing can give you an opportunity to express yourself on topics you may not have the chance or inclination to talk about with someone else. This type of journal writing may, over time, give you a fresh perspective on yourself and others.
A journal can be stream of consciousness. After all, your audience is you. You can express yourself exactly as you feel. Journal writing is an uncensored activity, giving you an uncensored look at yourself.
You can also approach journal writing as a developmental exercise. If you’d like to improve your writing skills, keeping a journal helps you hone your skills.
A journal can be as simple as a spiral notebook or as elegant as a leather-bound formal journal or a cool web blog. If you enjoy writing, give it a shot. You may find you have a lot to say!"
A journal is the perfect medium to explore your own mind. You can use journal writing as pure relaxation and therapy.
For example, a student might benefit by writing a short composition each day, to improve skill and speed for English assignments. A more experienced writer may find persuasive pieces an asset in copy writing. A writer fascinated with character development as an element of the novel can use journal writing to explore different techniques.
Journal writing can serve many purposes. Journal writing can give you an opportunity to express yourself on topics you may not have the chance or inclination to talk about with someone else. This type of journal writing may, over time, give you a fresh perspective on yourself and others.
A journal can be stream of consciousness. After all, your audience is you. You can express yourself exactly as you feel. Journal writing is an uncensored activity, giving you an uncensored look at yourself.
You can also approach journal writing as a developmental exercise. If you’d like to improve your writing skills, keeping a journal helps you hone your skills.
A journal can be as simple as a spiral notebook or as elegant as a leather-bound formal journal or a cool web blog. If you enjoy writing, give it a shot. You may find you have a lot to say!"
Friday, January 11, 2008
A Few Edmonton Indian Associations
Dear Children, Good Morning.
Here are a few Edmonton Indian Associations. You can browse them at your leisure.
With Love, Amma-Naana
( 1 ) Alberta Gujarati Association (AGA)
( 2 ) Edmonton Bengali Association
( 3 ) Alberta Hindi Parishad
( 4 ) Ankur
Here are a few Edmonton Indian Associations. You can browse them at your leisure.
With Love, Amma-Naana
( 1 ) Alberta Gujarati Association (AGA)
( 2 ) Edmonton Bengali Association
( 3 ) Alberta Hindi Parishad
( 4 ) Ankur
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions
Morning, dear all.
Yesterday we discussed some English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions in our class. We enjoyed the instruction well.
Our course book is a guide, not the Law. It’s really good to deviate and bring in - "student centered content". Real English is outside the classroom.
With Love, Nana
1) "Quit beating around the bush! If you don't want to go with me, just tell me!"
beat around the bush: evade an issue; avoid giving a direct answer.
2) bent out of shape: needlessly worried about something.
"I know you're worried about your job interview, but don't get bent out of shape. You'll do just fine."
3) at the eleventh hour: at the last minute; almost too late.
"Yes, I got the work done in time. I finished it at the eleventh hour, but I wasn't late.
4) be on the road: be traveling.
"You won't be able to contact me tomorrow because I'll be on the road."
5) as easy as pie: very easy.
"I thought you said this was a difficult problem. It isn't. In fact, it's as easy as pie."
A few links :
Yesterday we discussed some English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions in our class. We enjoyed the instruction well.
Our course book is a guide, not the Law. It’s really good to deviate and bring in - "student centered content". Real English is outside the classroom.
With Love, Nana
1) "Quit beating around the bush! If you don't want to go with me, just tell me!"
beat around the bush: evade an issue; avoid giving a direct answer.
2) bent out of shape: needlessly worried about something.
"I know you're worried about your job interview, but don't get bent out of shape. You'll do just fine."
3) at the eleventh hour: at the last minute; almost too late.
"Yes, I got the work done in time. I finished it at the eleventh hour, but I wasn't late.
4) be on the road: be traveling.
"You won't be able to contact me tomorrow because I'll be on the road."
5) as easy as pie: very easy.
"I thought you said this was a difficult problem. It isn't. In fact, it's as easy as pie."
A few links :
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Skin - An essay collected from our Vikram's library

Dear Children,
Here is an essay collected from Vikram Naana's library.
Have a Nice Day!
With Love, Amma-Naana
Here is an essay collected from Vikram Naana's library.
Have a Nice Day!
With Love, Amma-Naana
The skin is the longest organ of the body. The most sensitive areas of our skin are our hands, lips, face, neck, tongue, finger tips, and feet. Our finger tips are the most sensitive parts of our body. The least sensitive part of our skin is the middle of our back. There are about 100 nerve endings in each of our finger tips.
Touch is a very important sense. Babies who are not touched, stoked, kissed, held and cuddled are less healthy than babies who are touched. Our sense of touch keeps us safe.
Our skin does not wear away because it is constantly renewing itself. The lowest layer of the skin is made up mostly of fat. This helps to keep us warm, and also acts as padding when we bump into something.
we can summarize 4 main functions of the skin:
1) It protects us from harmful aspects of the environment, keeping out things such as bacteria
2) It keeps the water in your body from drying up - The waterproof epidermis. The oil glands in the dermis produce oils that help keep the skin moist
3) It regulates the temperature of our body-Layers of fat help keep you warm. Sweat glands let the body give off moisture through the skin, which helps to cool you off.
4) The last function, which we will talk about next, is that skin is the sense organ of touch.
Skin also adapts to the demands made on it. Too much sun causes sunburn, which is harmful. Everyone's skin texture is unique. Some people have smoother or rougher skin than others.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Good Afternoon

Dear Children,
"Let the beauty we love be what we do. The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart. Taking the first footstep with a good thought the second with a good word and the third with a good deed. Nothing is more highly prized than the value of each day."
I had my lunch, just now. Our LINC4 class is very interesting with a good teacher and with some new pupils as well.
I reached the school by 8:30 am. The class was at work at 8: 45. Before I came to my school, I had a cup of tea and read the Newspaper.
Given below is an instant writeup assignment in our class. Please read this at your available time.
More in my next, e-mail:
With Love, Nana
January 8, 2008
My new friend: Gulchehra
My new friend in LINC 4, this session is Gulchehra. We call her Gulya. She sits beside me on my left in the class-room. She came to Edmonton, Canada on immigration from Turmennistan. Her husband Mr. James sponsored her to Canada. His native town is Marrhead. It is about 100 miles away from Edmonton city. She lives with her husband in Edmonton, near Southgate. Her in-laws live in their native town Marrhead.
Her parents Mr. Bahram and Mrs. Gulkamar live in Seydi, in Turkmenistan. She is the only daughter for them. They often greet her over phone to comfort her. She worked as a Typist in an office after her Grade 10. She also did some courses before she joined as a typist, in Turkmenistan.
Presently she is doing LINC 4, after successfully completing LINC 3 and LINC 2. It is great that she could attend two sessions with in a short span of time. She came to Canada only eight months ago. She is not only doing her Language Instruction Class but also working in a Restaurant, part-time.
Gulya is an active and intelligent girl, and I hope that she can adopt the new way life soon and will over come the challenges that come on her way, easily with the support of her husband and her new friends in Edmonton.
Thanks to Metro and its staff for offering all of us the link by its worthy LINC program.
Somayya Kasani
Dear Children,
The following is for your reading.
With Love, Amma-Naana
Acceptance: To consider circumstances, especially those that can not be changed, as satisfactory.
Bravery: A quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear.
Caution: Avoidance of rashness, attention to safety.
Curiosity: A desire to find out and know things.
Defiance: Bold resistance.
Determination: Firmness of purpose.
Devotion: A great love or loyalty, enthusiastic zeal.
Discretion: Being discrete in ones speech, keeping secrets.
Flexibility: Adaptable, able to be changed to suit circumstances.
Focus: Concentrated awareness and effort.
Forgiveness: To cease to feel angry or bitter towards a person or about an offense.
Generosity: Giving or ready to give freely, free from meanness or prejudice.
Gentleness: Moderate; mild, quite; not rough or severe.
Gratitude: Being thankful.
Honesty: Truthful; sincere; not lieing or cheating.
Humbleness: Modest; not arrogant or boastful.
Humor: The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
Impartiality: Fair.
Industry: Diligent, hardworking.
Innocence: Guileless, not guilty.
Justice: Fair, impartial, giving a deserved response.
Kindness: Friendly, helpful, well meaning.
Love: A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
Loyalty: Steadfast in allegiance to one's homeland, government, or sovereign. Faithful to a person, ideal, custom, cause, or duty.
Majesty: Great and impressive dignity.
Moderation: The avoidance of extremes in one’s actions or opinions.
Obedience: Willingness to obey, to be controlled when necessary, to carry out orders.
Openness: Ready and willing to talk candidly.Unsecretive.
Patience: The ability to endure delay, trouble, pain or hardship.
Peace: Freedom from mental agitation; serenity.
Prudence: Wise or careful in conduct. Shrewd or thrifty in planning ahead.
Reliability: Can be trusted to do something.
Responsibility: Having control over and accountability for appropriate events.
Sensitivity: Heightened awareness of oneself and others within the context of social and personal relationships.
Simplicity: Straightforward; not complex or complicated. Unpretentious.
Sincerity: Free from pretense or deceit in manner or actions.
Sobriety: Serious, solemn and calm. Free from intoxication.
Spontaneity: Natural, not planned.
Steadfastness: Firm, resolute; determinedly unwavering.
Strength: Capable of exerting great force.
Toughness: Strong and durable; not easily damaged.
Tranquility: Serenely quite and peaceful; undisturbed.
Trust: Having confidence in others; lacking suspicion.
Trustworthiness: Able to be trusted or depended on; reliable.
The following is for your reading.
With Love, Amma-Naana
Acceptance: To consider circumstances, especially those that can not be changed, as satisfactory.
Bravery: A quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear.
Caution: Avoidance of rashness, attention to safety.
Curiosity: A desire to find out and know things.
Defiance: Bold resistance.
Determination: Firmness of purpose.
Devotion: A great love or loyalty, enthusiastic zeal.
Discretion: Being discrete in ones speech, keeping secrets.
Flexibility: Adaptable, able to be changed to suit circumstances.
Focus: Concentrated awareness and effort.
Forgiveness: To cease to feel angry or bitter towards a person or about an offense.
Generosity: Giving or ready to give freely, free from meanness or prejudice.
Gentleness: Moderate; mild, quite; not rough or severe.
Gratitude: Being thankful.
Honesty: Truthful; sincere; not lieing or cheating.
Humbleness: Modest; not arrogant or boastful.
Humor: The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
Impartiality: Fair.
Industry: Diligent, hardworking.
Innocence: Guileless, not guilty.
Justice: Fair, impartial, giving a deserved response.
Kindness: Friendly, helpful, well meaning.
Love: A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
Loyalty: Steadfast in allegiance to one's homeland, government, or sovereign. Faithful to a person, ideal, custom, cause, or duty.
Majesty: Great and impressive dignity.
Moderation: The avoidance of extremes in one’s actions or opinions.
Obedience: Willingness to obey, to be controlled when necessary, to carry out orders.
Openness: Ready and willing to talk candidly.Unsecretive.
Patience: The ability to endure delay, trouble, pain or hardship.
Peace: Freedom from mental agitation; serenity.
Prudence: Wise or careful in conduct. Shrewd or thrifty in planning ahead.
Reliability: Can be trusted to do something.
Responsibility: Having control over and accountability for appropriate events.
Sensitivity: Heightened awareness of oneself and others within the context of social and personal relationships.
Simplicity: Straightforward; not complex or complicated. Unpretentious.
Sincerity: Free from pretense or deceit in manner or actions.
Sobriety: Serious, solemn and calm. Free from intoxication.
Spontaneity: Natural, not planned.
Steadfastness: Firm, resolute; determinedly unwavering.
Strength: Capable of exerting great force.
Toughness: Strong and durable; not easily damaged.
Tranquility: Serenely quite and peaceful; undisturbed.
Trust: Having confidence in others; lacking suspicion.
Trustworthiness: Able to be trusted or depended on; reliable.
Thankfulness - Stories on Virtues - Source:
An old man and a boy were walking along a forest path.
It was a hot day, and they both felt like a good, cold drink.
After a few minutes the the boy and the old man came to a softly murmuring stream full of fresh, cool water. They knelt down and drank their fill.
"Thank you, stream," said the old man.
The boy laughed.
"What did you say "thank you" to the stream for?" he asked his grandfather.
"It’s not alive. It can’t hear you. It doesn’t understand when you say "thank you" to it."
"That’s true," the grandfather agreed. "And if a wolf was taking a drink, it wouldn’t say "thank you", either. But we’re not wolves, we’re people.
Do you know why people say "thank you"?
Think, now, who are the words really for?"
The boy fell into thought. He had plenty of time, for they still had a long way to go...
It was a hot day, and they both felt like a good, cold drink.
After a few minutes the the boy and the old man came to a softly murmuring stream full of fresh, cool water. They knelt down and drank their fill.
"Thank you, stream," said the old man.
The boy laughed.
"What did you say "thank you" to the stream for?" he asked his grandfather.
"It’s not alive. It can’t hear you. It doesn’t understand when you say "thank you" to it."
"That’s true," the grandfather agreed. "And if a wolf was taking a drink, it wouldn’t say "thank you", either. But we’re not wolves, we’re people.
Do you know why people say "thank you"?
Think, now, who are the words really for?"
The boy fell into thought. He had plenty of time, for they still had a long way to go...
Monday, January 07, 2008
Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.

Dear Children,
The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.
What is genius, anyway, if it isn't the ability to give an adequate response to a great challenge?. Every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it. Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes. Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging. Give yourself an even greater challenge than the one you are trying to master and you will develop the powers necessary to overcome the original difficulty. Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things.
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
Have a Nice Day,
With Love, Amma-Naana
The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.
What is genius, anyway, if it isn't the ability to give an adequate response to a great challenge?. Every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it. Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes. Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging. Give yourself an even greater challenge than the one you are trying to master and you will develop the powers necessary to overcome the original difficulty. Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things.
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
Have a Nice Day,
With Love, Amma-Naana
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Professor Ramulu's Message
Saturday, January 05, 2008

Dear Children,
Ideas are the mightiest influence on earth. One great thought breathed into a man may regenerate him. All advancement and progress come through ideas, not through physical force or mechanical force. An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.
A single idea / the sudden flash of a thought / may be worth a million dollars.
The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another. The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment. Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death. Get your ideas on paper and study them. Do not let them go to waste!
It just takes one idea to live like a king for the rest of your life. New ideas and opportunities come to those who decide what they want and have the courage to pursue it. The solution to any problem is just an idea.
Stay focused on your goals, dreams, and ideas. Grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually everyday.
With Love, Amma-Naana
Ideas are the mightiest influence on earth. One great thought breathed into a man may regenerate him. All advancement and progress come through ideas, not through physical force or mechanical force. An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.
A single idea / the sudden flash of a thought / may be worth a million dollars.
The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another. The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment. Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death. Get your ideas on paper and study them. Do not let them go to waste!
It just takes one idea to live like a king for the rest of your life. New ideas and opportunities come to those who decide what they want and have the courage to pursue it. The solution to any problem is just an idea.
Stay focused on your goals, dreams, and ideas. Grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually everyday.
With Love, Amma-Naana
Each Day Provides Its Own Gifts : Amma - Nana
Rainbow at noon, rain comes soon.
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
Gentleness does more than violence.
A joy that's shared is a joy made double.
Tomorrow is a new day.
He who wants a rose must respect the thorn.
In calm water every ship has a good captain.
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