Dear All, Good Afternoon.
We are happy to know that our sweet Pragathi is drinking more milk each day and playing well. Thank you all, our dear people for your regular communication.
FOOD that we eat can either make us THIN or FAT. We don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. We get fat because we don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.
Also, the pattern that we choose to eat your meals each day is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills. This is true because our body is like an "engine" and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if we don't eat the right foods at the right times then it won't burn those calories -- and we'll wind up storing those calories as fat tissue. We need to eat more than 3 times per day to lose weight.
Take Care of your health.
With Love, Amma-Naana