I am writing this mail from Edmonton public library, downtown. Nice to speak with our dear Chinna and Sreenath this morning. They greeted us ' A HAPPY DASARA FESTIVAL'.
Note: - During the lunchtime at 2.00 pm I shall spend some time in SAGE and take some refeshment. And I will come-back to library and do some reading. I start to home after 4.00 pm.
Have a Nice Day, dear all.
With love, Naana
The following is from my today's reading...
" They dream of a world in which people can feel self-esteem, find outlets for their energies and opportunities to use their capacities, and have meaningful employment.
They seek a world in which reasonable physical and economic needs can be satisfied, a world enriched through cultural diversity.
In that world, democratic method and scientific method will be more often merged, for in ssence they are relatively similar. . . both are based on freedom to find and to weigh new courses of action, both are opposed to giving weight to arbitrary prestige or tradition.
This improved society will not be a soulless, mechanistic one left to the management of so-called experts."