Dear your mom and I are fine here. Mummy is reading Edmonton journal besides all Telugu News Papers on line. I am also reading something new, besides associating with our neighbours around us.
We are planning our day, and working our plan well.
With love, Naana,
Learning is movement from moment to moment!
Let us dare to read, think, speak and write.
If we stop learning we stagnate!
Adults are better learners than children,
if they have the patience to be beginners!
Anyone who stops learning is old,
whether at twenty or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep our mind young!
Our world is changing faster than ever before, and the importance of learning is growing even faster!
Any significant improvement in life- from more rewarding job to more enjoyable leisure time, is based on learning!
If we are not being educated in our job today,
we may be out of a job tomorrow!