The trees so green, the most beautiful ever seen.
Beauty is found all around us.
In the ray of the sun and the light of the moon.
Beauty is in them all."
Dear Basith, Namasthe!
Nice to speak with you this evening/ morning. I think I woke you up, with my greetings! I am following the news from our dear land. I greeted once Mr. Sudharshan and I also greeted Gangadhar sir last week. And I took your telephone number from Mr. Dharampal the other day. YES! THIS Electronic Communication is building a great global human family.
Although we are living a far from one another physically we are feeling as though we are living and working all together sharing our feelings and our experiences in our day today life with one another.
That is I strongly hope that :
'One day, there will be no borders, no boundaries, no flags and
no countries, and the only passport will be the Heart.'
Please convey my best regards to all our near and dear people. Please convey our best wishes to your loving kids and their dear Mom.
More in my next mail, Let us keep in touch with e-mails.
With love, Somayya Kasani
My Journal
Note: After going through my Journal, give me feedback constantly for improvement.
"Life is the greatest journey we will ever be on. "