Respected Somaiah Garu
I looked at your web site. I am very impressed with the way the website is presented. I read that you are from Devaruppala. My father Kistaiah Munagala is also from devaruppala and he also did his schooling in Devaruppala. He retired from State Bank of Hyderabad 6 years back.
Since Devaruppala is a small village, just wonderng if you know my Father. Right now, I live in Richmond, Virgina.
Dear Sriram,Good AFTERNOON.
I am very happy to get your e-mail. Thanks to the electronic media, it is breaking the walls and constructing the bridges among the people of all countries.
One day, there will be no borders, no boundaries, no flags and no countries, and the only passport will be the Heart.
Yes! your father is my class-mate. I studied up to class VII, in Devaruppala. Your Dad was a most brilliant and gentle pupil in the class. No one could/ can beat him in his hand-writing. Your grand parents and our parents are good friends. Where are your loving parents right now?. Convey my best regards to them.
Of course, I don`t know your loving Mom, since I could not see them after my High School Study. Write the great story of 'Your Loving Family' in your next mail.
Let us keep in touch, Have a nice wee-kend, dear Sriram
Your loving Uncle,
Somayya Kasani
Namaste Uncle,
Sorry for the delay in sending our details.
We are siblings Sridhar, Srilatha, Srisudha, Sriram. My mom’s name is Kanaka. As you know my brother is in Richmond, VA and I am in Atlanta, GA.
I have two boys Rohit & Rishi. My wife is Anitha. Rohit is a very good dancer. Following are the links, you may also type Rohit Munagala for all his dances.
Attached are my family photos, I will scan old photos and send it to you.

Thank You,
Sridhar Munagala
Dear Sridhar Munagala and dear Sriram Munagala
Thank you very much for organizing a conference call - among your loving dad, you and I.
Thank you for sending me the photographs of your family members and video-links of Master Rohit at the stage performance. I placed them at http://aanimutyaalu.blogspot.com/2006/11/thanks-to-electronic-media-bringing.html
I am contributing something daily to it. You can provide your feedback after going through it occasionally for improvement. Please convey our best wishes to your siblings Srilatha, Srisudha, and our best regards to your loving dad and Mom. Our sweet kisses to Rohit & Rishi. Really Rohit is a very good dancer. All of us enjoyed Rohit`s dance. We wish him a bright future.
Let us keep in touch. Please give me the Postal address of your loving dad and also his phone number, in your reply mail.
Your loving uncle,
Somayya Kasani